اصدار جديد كامل Adobe InCopy 2021 v16.2.0.30 Multilingual

اصدار جديد كامل Adobe InCopy 2021 v16.2.0.30 Multilingual

في نسخة. تعاون مع مؤلفي النصوص والمحررين. يسمح InCopy لمؤلفي النصوص والمحررين بنمط النص وتتبع التغييرات وإجراء تعديلات بسيطة على التخطيط للمستند أثناء عمل المصممين على نفس المستند في نفس الوقت في Adobe InDesign - كل ذلك دون الكتابة فوق مساهمات بعضهم البعض. Adobe InCopy - قائمة الميزات:

InCopy. Collaborate with copywriters and editors. InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign — all without overwriting each other’s contributions. Adobe InCopy - Feature List:
- Endnote support
- Add paragraph borders
- Find similar fonts
- Advanced font filtering
- Footnotes that span columns
- Open Type enhancements
- Modern user interface
- Work with glyphs easily
- Place images into tables
- Simple application of shading to text; includes controls for offsets and more
- Place Gun for adding borders to tables
- New Find Previous command
- Shortcuts and preferences memory
- Footnote enhancements that respect text wrap
- Color swatch folders for swatch management
- Drag-and-drop table editing
- HiDPI and Retina display support in Windows
- Adobe Typekit integration
- Typekit font syncing
- Quick font searching
- Convenient hyperlink creation
- Different page views when editing
- Enhanced copyfitting
- Save to Cloud command lets you access files on any device
- View recently used fonts
- Middle Eastern language support

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