Mesh Materializer v0.0.16 for Blender

Mesh Materializer v0.0.16 for Blender

تعيين الكائنات على كائن آخر باستخدام إحداثيات الأشعة فوق البنفسجية النشطة. يمكن أن تكون ميزات إزاحة المواد في الخلاط قوية ، ولكن لها العيوب التالية:
يجب أن تكون الشبكة الأساسية مقسمة إلى حد كبير. قد يكون من الصعب إنشاء كائن ناتج يمكن تحريره أو تصديره. يستخدم الإزاحة القياسية خرائط الارتفاع ، لذلك قد يكون من الصعب إنشاء كائنات لها ميزات تعمل على نفسها ، مثل الأنابيب. تم إنشاء شبكة Materializer لمساعدتك على معالجة هذه المشاكل.


Requirement: Blender 2.82, 2.9 | File size: 95.8 MB

Map objects onto another object using its active UV coordinates.

Blender’s material displacement features can be powerful, but they have the following drawbacks:
The base mesh has to be highly subdivided. It can be difficult to generate a resulting object that can be edited or exported. Standard displacement uses height maps, so it can be difficult to create objects that have features that turn in on themselves, like piping. The Mesh Materializer has been created to help you address these problems.

– Apply source objects onto a target object either by face or whole object selection, or an optional paint mode. A new object is then created.
– Source object UVs and materials are transferred to the newly created object.
– Newly created object can be added to again and again.
– Remove parts of the created object with a delete mode.
– Clean up tools are then available for the created object, such as:
– Dissolve cuts made by the target object.
– Removing unwanted sliced objects.
– Filling holes made by the cuts.
– Add multiple source objects to create random checker or brick patterns.
– Control object offset, scale and rotation.
– Randomize object offset scale and rotation.
– Optionally maintain the proportions of the original object.
– Align a source object to either the target object’s normals or a custom normal. Useful for mapping trees.
– Automatic addition of an Edge Split modifier that can help tidy the resulting mesh.
– Mesh created is a standard Blender object that can be edited or exported afterwards.
– Potential retopology use by mapping a flat plane onto a target object.
– Potential use of applying object decals.
– Sample files shown here are included.



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