Voxeldance Tango (x64)

Voxeldance Tango (x64)
Voxeldance Tango (x64)

DLP/LCD 3D printing slicer software for figure makers, engineers, and designers!

Even if you are a beginner, you can print successfully. Voxeldance Tango helps you eliminate the risk of failure.

Just with a few clicks, you can automatically and effectively finish the data preparation.

No matter how complicated the data is, Voxeldance Tango can process it quickly.

User-friendly UX and UI design help you learn the software quickly and easily.

Whats New
1.Added support of Anycubic printers (non-CTB solutions)
2.Added ELEGOO printer profile
3.Added feature of mesh reduction
4.Added option of whether to consider support structure before Arrange
5.Added notification on exiting Perforate w/o applying
6.Added slot feature in Perforate
7.Added option on limiting Smart Support to be generated within platform

1.Added settings on transition layers for *.cws format of Nova3D printers
2.Removed limit of unable to generate/edit support when part placed outside of platform

1.Fixed the issue of changing parameters in Slice Preview unable to apply.
2.Fixed the issue of some *.vxp failed to import.
3.Fixed compatibility issue between transition layers in *.vdt and latest UVTools
4.Updated some English translation mistakes

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Voxeldance Tango (x64)

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