Aescripts Flip Animation v1.0 for After Effects [WIN/MAC]
امتداد لإنشاء أنواع مختلفة من المرايا والمقاييس على الرسوم المتحركة (الإطارات الرئيسية للموضع)
After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021 | File size: 4.66 MB
An extension for creating various types of mirrors and scales on animation (Position keyframes)
An extension for mirroring animations, rescaling animations, and creating mirrored input/output animations. Simple and easy to use!
3 tools in 1
Filp Animation in 3 modes. (+ fixed and mirror face)
Scale Animation in 3 modes.(+ amount)
Create Animation in 3 modes.(+ after/before)
1.0 (Current version) - Jul 17, 2023
initial release
Aescripts Flip Animation | Homepage
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