ويندز 11 مخصص للالعاب وبرامج التصميم
تم إنشاء هذا الإصدار للألعاب ولكنني أحتفظ بخدمات/وظائف الطباعة المتكاملة وجميع اللغات وجميع لوحات المفاتيح ودعم الخط
يمكنك أيضًا استخدام وظائف أخرى مثل سطح المكتب البعيد، واستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها، وما إلى ذلك. لقد قمت فقط بإزالة تحديث Windows، وتنظيف مجلد Winsxs،
This build was made for gaming but I keep and integrated printing services/functions, all languages, all keyboards and support for font
also you can use other functions like remote desktop, troubleshooting, and etc. I only removed windows update, cleanup the winsxs folder,
means you can’t add other features.
What’s Special?
3 GB installed size
Preactivated With Digital License
40 Gamer Wallpapers Added Each Theme
4 Custom Themes Added In Extras Folder
.Net Framework 3.5 Integrated
.Net Framework 4.8 Integrated
Direct Play Integrated
Legacy Components Integrated
Printing Features Integrated
Full Support For Languages
Full Support For Keyboards
Support For Fonts
Compact Compressed with LZX Compression
Custom Power Plan Applied To Boost Performance
Low Processess Tweaks Applied UpTo 128gb Of RAM
Bypassed Windows 11 System Requirements
Bypassed Force Microsoft Account Creation
Windows Update
WinSxS Folder
All Windows Apps Bloatware Except Notepad And Windows Photos
Windows 11 22H2 Build 22621.2134 Gamer OS en-US ESD August 2023
ويندز 11 مخصص للالعاب وبرامج التصميم

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