3ds Maxملحقات التصميم عامةنماذج ثلاثية الابعاد

Santa Claus – 3dtree people

Santa Claus - 3dtree people

Santa Claus – 3dtree people

.max .fbx & Tex included


This collection can be used in the archviz scene of commercial promo and other projects.
Therefore, Santa Collection x15 product includes most popular CG formats.

Santa Collection x12 Includes:
Save money
12 (3D Models) = $788

مسودة تلقائية
Santa Claus - 3dtree people 6

Saving $489

You must be logged in يجب تسجيل الدخول

You must be logged in يجب تسجيل الدخول

Santa Standing – $59
Santa Secret – $59
Santa Presenting – $59
Santa Claus Greeting – $59
Santa Claus with Gifts – $59
Santa Dancing – $59
Santa And Mrs Claus – $79
Santa Thinking – $59
Santa with a Gift – $59
Santa with a Child – $79
Santa and Kids – $99
Happy Santa – $59

Santa Claus - 3dtree people 7

Santa Claus – 3dtree people | Homepage


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بمبلغ بسيط، احصل على العضوية المميزة وحمّل بشكل مباشر، بدون إعلانات وبدون انتظار!

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تحميل Rapidgator

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طريقة التعطيل على تيلجرام------
