Realistic Animated Foam Material
Size |
85.6GB |
Product Overview and Tutorial:
Important Note: Please expect longer download times. These are large, high fidelity EXR files. Each image sequence is approximately 28GB. Please ensure you have sufficient disk space and bandwidth before purchasing. If you happen to encounter any size limit or quota errors when downloading, try signing out of your Google Drive account and click “Download All” to initiate the download.
Included Items:
Fully Animated Displacement Maps
4K Resolution
3 Different Speeds (Slow, Medium, Fast)
1000 Frames (for each speed)
Seamless tiling
32-bit EXR Image Sequences
Reusable for masking and mixing materials
Example Cinema 4D scene files with Octane Shaders
Floating Foam Volume
Floating Surface Bubbles
Beer Foam
Latte Froth
Tutorial explaining Octane material setup
Recommended Software:
All assets were created using Cinema 4D and Octane Render (v2020.2.5-R3). Scene files and shaders are compatible with Cinema 4D R20 and Octane Render 2020. All non-Cinema 4D users can still fully utilize the texture maps, both static and animated if your application supports image sequences and EXR files.
Please note, example scenes are intended to be a reference for material setup only. Some third-party environment textures are for display purposes only and have been omitted from working files. But all foam shaders are the same as the ones shown.
Recommended Hardware:
Please ensure you have sufficient hard drive space before purchasing. Please also note that some of the example scene shaders are render-intensive specular materials and will likely require use of AI Denoiser for cleanest results. Please ensure you have sufficient VRAM for rendering.
Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or run into any issues.
Thank you for your support!
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Realistic Animated Foam Material