3ds Maxملحقات التصميم عامة

Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022

Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022

Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022

Plugin/Maxscript to generate ivy’s for 3Ds Max

This plugin is based on the excellent program created by Thomas Luft Ivy Generator.

Most of the addons for max are either a plugin or a maxscript, The reason i decided to use a mixture of both was first simplicity and second I hate when i open an old project that used a plugin that is no longer available, So this plugin/script combo does not leave any trace it just creates simple geometry.

مقالات ذات صلة

The plugin does all the hard work that is the actual ivy growing and generation of the meshes, The maxscript part is just the user interface, The Materials and the Corona scatter creation.

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Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022 4

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Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022
Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022 5

Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022
Ivy Generator v0.77 for 3ds Max 2018-2022 6

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