ملحقات أدوبي أفتر إفكتسملحقات التصميم عامة

Videohive – Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337

Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337

After Effects Version CC, CS6
Files Included After Effects Project Files, Video Files, Sound Effect Files, Music Files
Universal Expressions Yes
Length 0:08
Resolution 3840×2160
File Size 38MB
Short description
Laser Cut Logo Reveal is a fast and cinematic animation featuring laser trails that are creating glowing outlines of your logo while sparks burst and light rays shine through to reveal your final logo design. Works great with all kinds of logo designs and as a text reveal too. Audio is included with the project. Well organized template, extremely easy to customize. Video tutorial is included. You don’t need any 3rd party plugins in order to use this project. Control everything from one place – Control layers is included.

Main features
After Effects CS6 or above
UltraHD 4K 3840×2160, FullHD 1920×1080, HD 1280×720
No 3rd party plugins needed
Control everything from one place – Control layer included
After Effects in any language is supported – Universalized Expressions
Works with any LOGO or TEXT, effects are applied automatically!
Audio is Included
Organized and color coded
Video tutorial included
Update History
Version 1 (06/24/2020)

Initial Release


تحميل مباشر للمشتركين VIP

مقالات ذات صلة

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Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337 6
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تحميل ابلود رار

للحصول على كل جديد الرجاء الاشتراك بالقناة على تلجرام

Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337
Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337 9


Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337
Videohive - Laser Cut Logo Reveal 27430337 10

لفك الضغط بشكل صحيح استخدم اخر اصدار لبرنامج الون رار في هذا المنشور اصدار جديد للون رار النسخة الكاملة WinRAR 6.0 Final

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك رد

زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى

اكتشاف المزيد من سوق المصمم

اشترك الآن للاستمرار في القراءة والحصول على حق الوصول إلى الأرشيف الكامل.

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