Blender Market - BagaPie Assets v3.0.2
-343 Assets (67 Plant, 54 Flower, 33 Bushes, 4 Cliff, 71 Rocks, 30 Grass, 30 Trees, 15 Stumps, 4 Grounds, 35 Stylised)
-Quick importer integrated in BagaPie,
-Asset Browser Integration,
-Simple importer (append & link),
-Asset's material displayed in BagaPie panel when selecting assets,
-Draw assets array on surface (allow random position along array),
-Most of materials allow tweak the season of the assets,
-Randomise Material : Brightness, Saturation, Saison,
-BagaPie Demo Files Available (based on EEVEE or Cycles),
-3 Nodes presets for animation (plant and grass)