Gumroad - Creating Portfolio Renders in Marmoset Toolbag
I get asked a lot about how to land a job and get noticed. My answer is always to curate a portfolio that reflects your work in the best way possible. It doesn't matter how good your stuff is if it's not presented well.
لقد سُئلت كثيرًا عن كيفية الحصول على وظيفة وألاحظ. جوابي دائمًا هو تنظيم محفظة تعكس عملك بأفضل طريقة ممكنة. لا يهم مدى جودة الأشياء الخاصة بك إذا لم يتم تقديمها بشكل جيد.
In this tutorial, we cover how I set up my renders within Marmoset Toolbag. We go through the steps I take for setting up a scene, what to think about when it comes to lighting, common tools and settings, as well as some tips on what to take into consideration. We render two different materials from start to finish.
Included with this tutorial are two sets of textures for you to practice rendering with. One is a stylized texture, the other a realistic texture. We don't cover the creation of these materials, as the focus is on presentation and how to achieve the desired look.
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Gumroad - Creating Portfolio Renders in Marmoset Toolbag
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