كورسات تعليمية

Udemy – Lobo – 3D character in Blender course

Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course

Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course

في الدورة التدريبية ، سنبدأ بشكل مختلف قليلاً بجمع مراجعنا اللازمة لإنشاء الشخصية وتحليل مفهومنا. سنبدأ بعد ذلك في نمذجة الرأس والأسنان واللسان. ثم سنضع نموذجًا للجسم والذراعين والساقين ، حيث سأتحدث عن تشريح وأشكال تلك الأجزاء من الجسم. بعد ذلك ، سنقوم بعمل الشكل الأساسي للكلب ونستمر بالملابس. سنفعل حزام لوبو وسترة وبوتنيك وسراويل. ستكون النمذجة ذات السطح الصلب هي التالية عندما نصنع الجرانيد والسلاح. ثم سنقفز لعمل بعض دروع الركبة ، وحذاء الأحذية ، وجميع أنواع العناصر التي تمتلكها هذه الشخصية على نفسها ، وسيكون هناك بعض النمذجة

In the course we will start a bit differently with gathering our references, needed for the character creation, and analyzing our concept. We will then start modelling the head, the teeth and tongue. Then we will model the body, arms and legs, where i will speak about the anatomy and shapes of those body parts. After, we will make the basic shape of the dog and continue with the clothes. We will do Lobo's belt, jacket, potnik and pants. A hardsurface modelling will be next when we make the granade and the weapon. Then we will jump to do some knee armor, shoelases, and all kinds of elements this character has on himself, and there will be some modelling and sculpting, mark my word .

I will then, with great pleasure, make one of the skulls on his belt and then make the batman mask, the wonderwoman tiara and a flash helmet. I just love sculpting skulls!

Then we will make some chains, which will be also an interesting part of our course. Dog chain, neck chain, and the arm chain. While making all the features of this character i will always talk and show you how to model it to be 3D printer friendly. With bigger and thicker elements and overall attention to the detail.

مسودة تلقائية
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course 8
مسودة تلقائية
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course 9

After we work few more hours, detailing and finishing Lobo, we will rig the arms and hands, and make the pose from the concept. Then we will do some more cleaning and adjusting untill we are ready to call it done. And for last, we will do a interesting render with the help of Photoshop and a turntable, with the help of Blender himself .

This course is absolutely made for intermediate Blender users, and although i will talk you trough almost every step i do in it, for the beginners i would recommend taking my Absolute beginners 3D character in Blender course first, and then go back to this one .

مسودة تلقائية
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course 10

So if you kinda like this crazy and wild looking character, and you want to see the whole process, and even make it yourself i would say you might want to check out the course .

Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course 11

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Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course

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Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course 12

تحميل من Rapidgator

Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part01.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part02.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part03.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part04.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part05.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part06.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part07.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part08.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part09.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part10.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part11.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part12.rar
Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov.part13.rar

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