3ds Maxبرامج كاملة وانظمة تشغيلملحقات التصميم عامة

Ocean Waves Generator v1.1

Ocean Waves Generator v1.1

Ocean Waves Generator v1.1

OCEAN WAVES GENERATOR is a script that is efficient in automatically creating 2D mask of ocean waves in 3dsMax. Containing many styles of waves, it can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D artists.


.: Compatible with 3dsMax 2018 and higher

مقالات ذات صلة

.: Compatible with Corona & Vray Renderer

مسودة تلقائية
Ocean Waves Generator v1.1 6

.: Version: 1.1


New 3DSMax script released – Ocean Waves Generator v1.1

Ocean Waves Generator v1.1
Ocean Waves Generator v1.1 7

Ocean Waves Generator v1.1
Ocean Waves Generator v1.1 8

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