كورسات تعليمية

Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare

Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare
Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare

مرحبا اسمي هاري! أنا فنان ثلاثي الأبعاد محترف لدي أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة. لقد عملت مؤخرًا كمدير الاستوديو لاستوديو التصور المعماري الحائز على جوائز.
سأوجهك خلال العملية البسيطة والمبتدئة الودودة لإنشاء الرسوم المتحركة على غرار الرسوم المتحركة للنحلة الطنانة في Blender.
سنمر بالعملية الكاملة لإنشاء هذه الرسوم المتحركة للنحلة الطنانة من منظور المبتدئين لتجنب أكبر قدر ممكن من الالتباس. هذا يعني أنني لن أتخطى أي خطوات أو أسير بسرعة كبيرة لمواكبة لي.
نحن نستخدم Blender في هذا البرنامج التعليمي ، وهو برنامج ثلاثي الأبعاد مذهل ومجاني تمامًا. العائق الوحيد للدخول هو وجود جهاز كمبيوتر لتشغيل البرنامج عليه.

About This Class:
Hi, my name is Harry! I’m a professional 3d artist with over a decade of experience. I’ve worked most recently as the Studio Director of an award winning architectural visualization studio.
I’ll walk you through the simple and beginner friendly process of creating a cartoon style bumblebee animation in Blender.
We’ll be going through the entire process of creating this bumblebee animation from a beginner’s perspective to avoid as much confusion as possible. That means I won’t be skipping any steps or going too fast for you to keep up with me.
We’re using Blender for this tutorial, which is an amazing and totally free 3d software. The only barrier to entry is having a computer to run the software on.

In this class you’ll learn:
-Blender Interface and Tools: We’ll learn about the many basic tools and interface elements within Blender while creating our cartoon bumblebee.
-Modeling: We’ll use basic modeling tools and modifiers such as mirroring and subdivision to create our bumblebee and environment.
-Lighting: We’ll set up a simple sunlight to accentuate our cartoon shaders.
-Shading: I’ll show you how to make colorful and stylized cartoon materials for our bumblebee and environment.
-Animation: I’ll walk you through animating your bumblebee by using simple keyframing and modifiers like cycles.
-Rendering: We’ll render our final image in Blender so you can share it with your friends and family on social media.

Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare | Homepage

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Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare 6
مسودة تلقائية
Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare 7

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مسودة تلقائية
Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare 8

تحميل من fikper

Skillshare – Blender-3D-for-Beginners-Create-a-Cartoon-Bumblebee-Animation.part1.rar
Skillshare – Blender-3D-for-Beginners-Create-a-Cartoon-Bumblebee-Animation.part2.rar

Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare
Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare 9

تحميل katfile

Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare
Blender 3D for Beginners: Create a Cartoon Bumblebee Animation | Harry Jones | Skillshare 10

Skillshare – Blender-3D-for-Beginners-Create-a-Cartoon-Bumblebee-Animation.part2.rar
Skillshare – Blender-3D-for-Beginners-Create-a-Cartoon-Bumblebee-Animation.part1.rar

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