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Ephere Ornatrix For 3ds Max 2021-2023


Ephere Ornatrix For 3ds Max 2021-2023

It is our best creation for hair, fur, and feathers yet!
New and improved brushing workflow
New powerful hair physics
Greatly improved pipeline tools

Key features:

Procedural hair
Build hair with a set of friendly operators
Strand groups for non-destructive filtering
Multiple dynamics options for all types of simulation
Familiar iterative refinement workflow
Easy to use groom preset system

Intuitive modeling tools

مسودة تلقائية
Ephere Ornatrix For 3ds Max 2021-2023 6
Brush, comb, and cut hair
Quickly define flow of fur on a surface with arrows
Frizz, curl, clump, and braid hair procedurally
Style hair by dragging control points
Use mesh strips to generate hair

Feathers and foliage

Ephere Ornatrix For 3ds Max 2021-2023 | Homepage

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Ephere Ornatrix For 3ds Max 2021-2023
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