Blender 3D Architect Pro (As of 11.05.23)
هل تريد استخدام Blender وأدوات مفتوحة المصدر لإنتاج تصور معماري؟ في Blender 3D Architect ، ستجد أكبر مجتمع به أخبار وموارد لاستخدام Blender للهندسة المعمارية.
Do you want to use Blender and open-source tools to produce architectural visualization? In Blender 3D Architect, you find the largest community with news and resources to use Blender for architecture.
What do you get when joining Blender 3D Architect Pro? Today, we have the following schedule of content for our subscribers:
Every week (3 updates):
2 Video-based tutorials about the use of Blender for architecture (MP4 files + Blender files)
1 Asset for architecture in the Blender native file format (Usually a furniture model) with textures
Every month (1 update):
One entire course or workshop from Blender 3D Architect. By the end of each month, you receive access to a whole course or workshop. The content always has a direct relation to Blender or architecture.
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Blender 3D Architect Pro (As of 11.05.23) | Homepage
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