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Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)

Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)

Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)

الانفجار من خلال منتجاتك
هذا المدفع المكون من 15 مدفعًا مختلفًا هو مكتبة المدفع الأكثر شمولاً التي تم إطلاقها في السوق على الإطلاق. تسجيلات 26 قناة عالية الجودة لقنابل تحطيم الحصون ومدافع هاون بزاوية عالية وأحمال فرقاطة ذات 16 مدقة وغير ذلك ، تعد انفجارات المدافع والتأثيرات والتحليق مكونات لا غنى عنها في أي تصميم صوتي لأي فيلم أو تسلسل حركة لعبة مجموعة في أواخر العصور الوسطى إلى أوائل العصور الحديثة. ليس فقط لانفجارات المدافع ، بل يمكن استخدامها أيضًا لمنح تصميم صوت المقطورة والانفجارات العامة ثقلًا ثقيلًا.

WAV / 24-bit / 96 kHz

This cannonade of 15 different cannons with is the most comprehensive cannon library ever to be released on the market. High-quality, 26-channel recordings of fort-smashing bombards, high-angled mortars, 16-pounder frigate loads, and more, these cannon blasts, impacts, and flybys are indispensable components of any sound design for any film or game action sequence set in the late medieval to early modern periods. Not just for cannon blasts, they can also be used to give trailer sound design and general explosions a much heavier punch.

مقالات ذات صلة

Included in the Construction Kit is the entirety of the cannon’s action, from blast to impact. There is a huge variety of foley recordings for impact materials that could be needed in any cannon battle scenario, including water, sand, stone, rock, wood, sails, dirt, and more.

مسودة تلقائية
Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) 6
مسودة تلقائية
Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) 7

The sounds were captured on a hill-top near a forest; the natural outdoor reverb providing ultra-crisp and full tails. With our array of modern mics – including shotguns to omnidirectional mics in AB, XY, ORTF configurations plus Ambisonics and ORTF 3D spatial audio setups – we were able to capture every sound in their full, rich intensity.

Recorded at a military base and an archery range, the hillside settings provided the perfect natural reverbs for these cannon blasts. Though with many sounds you might want a dry recording, with cannons (and other firearms) a nice, appropriate tail ensures it has a measure of realism.

مسودة تلقائية
Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) 8

Creating such an extensive library of cannons is no easy thing. Accurate-to-the-era replicas had to be found, along with spaces that allowed the intense work that we needed to do. Luckily, the locations we found – a military base and an archery range – provided the perfect environment for our recording needs, creating the right reverb tails for any cannons featured in quality productions.

Cannons included:
– 16-pounder
– 18-pounder
– 30-pounder
– Bombard
– Burgundian 62
– 60 Caliber
– Carronade
– Culverin
– Demi-cannon
– Falconet
– Long Gun
– Loshult Arrow Gun
– Mortar 45
– Mortar 66
– Mortar 80

Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)
Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) 9

But that’s not all. In the Construction Kit, we’ve also included impacts, mechanics, movements, flybys, and many more.

Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)
Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) 10

Impact materials included:
– Wood
– Metal
– Concrete
– Rock
– Stone
– Sail
– Water
– Dirt
– Sand
– Cloth
– Debris
– And more!



Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit) | Homepage

Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)

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Boom Library Cannons (Designed / Construction Kit)

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زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى

اكتشاف المزيد من سوق المصمم

اشترك الآن للاستمرار في القراءة والحصول على حق الوصول إلى الأرشيف الكامل.

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