Epic Trailers for After Effects and Premiere Pro | AEJuice
After Effects , Premiere Pro | AEP, MOGRT | File Size 2.0 GB
Epic Trailers عبارة عن قالب After Effects و Premiere Pro يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء مقطورات مصقولة للغاية على غرار هوليوود.
يأتي النموذج مع مجموعة متنوعة من الميزات والخيارات ، مما يجعل من السهل تخصيص شكل ومظهر المقطع الدعائي الخاص بك.
يعتبر النموذج مثاليًا لأي شخص يريد إنشاء مقطع دعائي ملحمي ، سواء كان لفيلم أو لعبة فيديو أو عرض أو أي شيء آخر.
باستخدام Epic Trailers ، يمكنك إنشاء مقطع دعائي ملحمي حقًا يبهر جمهورك.
Epic Trailers is an After Effects and Premiere Pro template that allows users to create highly polished, Hollywood-style trailers.
The template comes with a wide variety of features and options, making it easy to customize the look and feel of your trailer.
The template is perfect for anyone who wants to create an Epic trailer, whether for a movie, video game, show, or anything else.
With Epic Trailers, you can create a truly Epic trailer that will wow your audience.
The package includes 20 pre-made designs that you can customize to your need.
You can use your own font and any language.
The template also includes a variety of effects and transitions to make your trailer look even more Epic. You can also add your own music and
sound effects to make your trailer even more powerful. Epic Trailers is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to create a truly
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Epic Trailers for After Effects and Premiere Pro | AEJuice
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