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3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax

3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro

3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax

The ability to create architectural profiles with ease and precision is a valuable asset.
One of the tools that enable this is the Sweep Pro script from Kstudio.
This tool, allows users to easily create architectural moldings when modeling a 3D scene of an interior or exterior.
PRO version contains 37 ready-to-be-used architectural profiles.

Features and Functionality
The main functionality of the Sweep Pro lies in its ability to offer a quick and convenient way to build architectural profiles using the Sweep modifier.
The pack includes pre-made architectural profiles (10 for free version and 37 for PRO version), providing users with a solid base to start from.
But the functionality doesn’t stop there; users also have the option to add new profiles from the scene or by adding profiles from a specific folder.
Also, the tool has a very convenient option to change the size of the profile on the fly.
Main Features

Creation/updating of architectural profiles in one click
Setting profile dimensions
Favorites profiles
Adding user profiles to the library
Use selected edges from Editable Poly [PRO]
Studio for rendering profiles [PRO]
Profile’s pivot alignment [PRO]
Simplified Chinese, French and Spanish localizations [PRO]

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3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro | Homepage

3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax

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3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax

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3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax
3d-kstudio Sweep Profile Pro 1.01.17 for 3dsMax 6

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