Dynamic Concept Art I | Louis Laurent – Learn Squared
باستخدام مزيج من التقنيات ثنائية وثلاثية الأبعاد ، ستتعلم كيفية تسخير الحوادث السعيدة على طول الطريق لإنشاء أعمال فنية جميلة وفريدة من نوعها.
Professional concept artist Louis Laurent’s completely fluid process will help to unlock entirely new possibilities in your art. Using a mix of 2D and 3D techniques, you’ll learn how to harness happy accidents along the way to create beautiful and unique works of art.
Our students are badasses.
After signing up for our courses, many of our students have broken into the industry, leveled up their skills, and got hired for their dream jobs. With over 15,000 students from around the world, you’ll be in good company.
Dynamic Concept Art I | Louis Laurent – Learn Squared | Homepage
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LearnSquared -Dynamic Concept Art I by Louis Laurent.part1.rar
LearnSquared -Dynamic Concept Art I by Louis Laurent.part2.rar
LearnSquared -Dynamic Concept Art I by Louis Laurent.part3.rar
LearnSquared -Dynamic Concept Art I by Louis Laurent.part4.rar