After Effects Project

Videohive – Motion Electric – 46219684

Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684

Videohive – Motion Electric – 46219684

Motion Electric
AE CC 2019 and above Compatible Project
Premiere Pro CC2021 and above Compatible Project
45 Motion Electric
45 MOGRTs Included.
45 4K MOV (Alpha Channel)

Resize to any resolution (4K, HD, Mobile, Square)
No plugins required.
Easy Customization
Color Controls
Universaliser Controller Included (Compatible with any language)
Tutorial included.

Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684

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Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684

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Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684

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Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684 3

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Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684
Videohive - Motion Electric - 46219684 4

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