Aescripts ft-Filmic Contrast Bundle v1.0 for After Effects & Premiere [WIN]
مجموعة من 3 مكونات إضافية لتسهيل عملية تصنيف الألوان السينمائية: ft-Filmic Contrast Pro و ft-Technicolor و ft-Auto White Balance.
قدم-فيلميك التباين برو
مكون إضافي متقدم لإعادة التباين يعطي 'مظهرًا' فيلميًا مقنعًا للغاية للقطات الخاصة بك. يعتمد على 'ft-Filmic Contrast Lite' مع المزيد من عناصر التحكم والميزات بالإضافة إلى خوارزمية أسرع.
After Effects & Premiere 2023 - CS4 | File size: 1.04 MB
Bundle of 3 plugins to ease the Filmic Color Grading process: ft-Filmic Contrast Pro, ft-Technicolor and ft-Auto White Balance.
ft-Filmic Contrast Pro
An Advanced re-contrast plugin that gives a very compelling filmic "look" to your footage. It's based on "ft-Filmic Contrast Lite" with more controls and features as well as a faster algorithm.
A filter that mimics the color grading in Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator" otherwise called 2-strip and 3-strip technicolor. The code is based on snippets found on, Blender source code & Aviator VFX behind the scene website.
ft-Auto White Balance
This plugin white balances your footage with one click. It becomes handy when you have a bunch of footages where the White Balance wasn't set properly and you need to color balance it before working with it. Just select a mid-tone color in your image, and ft-Auto White Balance will take care of the rest.
Aescripts ft-Filmic Contrast Bundle | Homepage
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