Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.0 for After Effects
After Effects 2023, 2022 | File size: 1.4 GB
Lockdown is the original and best plug-in that allows you to track warping surfaces inside After Effects. Lockdown 3 lets you give your mesh 3D depth. Easily send the mesh to Cinema 4D, Blender, and other 3D apps to attach objects, digitally re-light, and more!
3.0.0 (Current version) - Jul 11, 2023
New 3D Tab for all new 3D workflow
New Depth estimator
New 3D Planar Tracker
Added a new 'rigid' tracking algorithm
Added a depth rendering output mode
Added a 3D preview rendering mode in the After Effects composition
Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.0 for After Effects | Homepage
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