Airport Terminal Interior in Environments - UE Marketplace
هذه البيئة الشاملة والمفصلة فريدة من نوعها. مع هذه البيئة ، استخدمنا قوة محرك Unreal 5 الجديد لنوفر لك بيئة يمكن استخدامها للألعاب والسينماتية. تتميز بأصول فردية مفصلة للغاية ، وأصول هيكلية معيارية ، وإضاءة كاملة الإعداد ، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير!
Product Info
This extensive and detailed environment is one of a kind. With this environment, we used the power of the new Unreal 5 Engine to bring you an environment that can be used both for games and cinematics. Featuring highly detailed individual assets, modular structural assets, fully set-up lighting, and much more!
Quick Info
More than 250+ high-quality assets! (not counting booleans or simple shapes)
Nanite & Lumen Compatible.
Modular Flexibility in Assets.
Advanced Master Material with WS Dust Control.
Full Lighting & Asset Cluster Set up Using Blueprints.
Proper Scene Organization using Levels.
Intended Use
This environment has been created primarily with games in mind. it features optimized nanite & LOD assets, 4K textures downscaled to a sensible resolution, and optimized lighting assets. However, due to the quality of the assets, this environment can also be used for cinematic purposes. The environment is intended for higher-end systems & consoles.
This environment has been made out of mostly Modular assets that can be used to change the terminal into any structure you want. The structural assets feature a master shader with additional roughness control and world space textures if needed.
Airport Terminal Interior in Environments - UE Marketplace | Homepage
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