Triune Digital Romance Luts
استنادًا إلى بعض أكثر الأفلام رومانسية على الإطلاق ، ستخلق حزمة LUT كل الإحساس.
File Types : xmp | File Size 92.7 MB
Based on some of the most romantic movies ever made, this LUT pack will create all the feels .
34 Movie-inspired LUTs from movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Moulin Rouge, The Notebook and many more!
Alexa, REDLog, Blackmagic, search Canon C-Log, V-Log L, S-Log2, S-Log3, Standard LOG and .rec709 versions of each LUT.
Utility LUTs.
.CUBE format
.PDF Instruction Guide for install and use.
Adobe Photoshop (CS6 and +)
Adobe Lightroom Classic (7.3 and +)
Adobe After Effects (CS6 and +)
Adobe Premiere Pro (CS6 and +)
Avid Media Composer (7 and +)
DaVinci Resolve
CyberLink ColorDirector 4
Final Cut Pro X
Sony Vegas
Affinity Photo
HitFilm 4 Pro
Wondershare Filmora
LumaFusion (iOS)
and more
Triune Digital Romance Luts

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