Gnomon Workshop – Design Futuristic Architecture Using Blender
تعرف على كيفية تصميم هندسة معمارية مستقبلية باستخدام Blender مع سير العمل الكامل للتصميم المفاهيمي ثنائي الأبعاد إلى ثلاثي الأبعاد من Leo Li، والذي يغطي كل شيء بدءًا من النمذجة والتركيب وتصميم المناظر الطبيعية والإضاءة وحتى الطلاء النهائي في Photoshop.
Learn how to design futuristic architecture using Blender with Leo Li’s complete 2D-to-3D concept design workflow, which covers everything from modeling, texturing, landscape design, and lighting to the final paint-over in Photoshop.
This 6-hour workshop dives into the design of an imaginary innovative tech laboratory using Blender as the main software. Leo demonstrates the possibilities of futuristic concepts and discusses how, when designing architectural buildings, it’s so important to consider where creativity meets functionality.
Leo takes artists on a concept design journey that’s crafted to help students elevate their design skills using 3D techniques in Blender. This is a design-focused learning experience; while Blender is the 3D software package of choice, Leo emphasizes the art of storytelling through architectural design. You will learn to envision and communicate narratives, with the goal being to design creations that are not just visually stunning but also conceptually rich.
Key techniques covered in this workshop include advanced 3D modeling, texture mapping, and lighting in Blender. Leo also demystifies the intricacies of creating immersive environments and guides students in optimizing spatial design for maximum efficiency.
Duration: 5h 57m
Format: HD 1920×1080
Gnomon Workshop – Design Futuristic Architecture Using Blender | Homepage
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