كورسات تعليمية

Domestika – Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life

Domestika - Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life

Domestika – Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life

Create an incredible three-dimensional world full of colors, movement, and detail and learn all the secrets of Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and Octane

Who says illustration should be limited to 2D? Not Mattey! He’s an expert illustrator who loves to play around with depth in his 3D illustration work. His vibrant and multicolored pop universe allows him to add character to absolutely any kind of visual project.

In this course, Mattey teaches you a simple yet effective technique for creating 3D illustrations in Cinema 4D. Use Photoshop for tweaking smaller details and the rendering engine Octane to achieve stunning results to capture the attention of all your followers and clients.
What will you learn in this online course?

21 lessons & 13 downloads

مسودة تلقائية
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Domestika - Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life

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Domestika - Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life

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Domestika - Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life
Domestika - Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life 9

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