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Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

عمليات إعادة إنشاء رقمية عالية الدقة للريشات والأحبار وطباشير الرسم ونقاط الرصاص والأوراق العتيقة لمايكل أنجلو، مع إصدارات لبرنامج Photoshop وClip Studio Paint وArtstudio Pro وProcreate

All software versions of the Real-ink™ Michelangelo Packs

High-resolution digital recreations of the quills, inks, drawing chalks, leadpoints and antique papers of Michelangelo, with versions for Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, Artstudio Pro & Procreate

مقالات ذات صلة

Lovingly developed over several years, combining information from the highest quality imaging of his original artworks from collections around the world, with tool handling data from physical recreations of his tools created using authentic methods from specialist art historians

مسودة تلقائية
Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack 9
مسودة تلقائية
Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack 10

Experience the drawing tools of a Renaissance Master

Michelangelo’s drawings are still entrancing and captivating viewers half a millennium later. Now you can experience using his personal favourite drawing chalks, leadpoints, quills, inks, and papers to bring your own artwork and ideas to life with the rich, expressive and authentic character of his timeless masterpieces

مسودة تلقائية
Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack 11

… what could you create with the tools of an Old Master?

Over 50 high resolution tool recreations as digital brushes

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack
Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack 12

Antique Quill & Ink Wash brushes

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack
Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack 13

Antique Drawing Chalk brushes

Shaders & Edge Control brushes

Antique Leadpoint brushes

Specialty Smudging brushes

Specialty Ageing brushes & erasers

Provided in preset sizes for ease of use & accuracy, and pre-loaded Photoshop options with realistic, nuanced ink and chalk textures

40 genuine hi-res Renaissance-era papers, parchments & sketchbook bases

Antique papers from the studios of Michelangelo and other Renaissance Masters

Including 15 layered files pre-prepared with ink-flow layers for easy and realistic quill & ink work with natural color depth, variance and flow


Instructions, tips & tricks

Antique color palettes for all tools

Additional Ink Flow textures

Bonus extendable antique papers (Photoshop)

Artwork examples

Printable brush charts

Bonus layered 11th century parchment book base

Real-ink™ Michelangelo Mega Pack

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

احصل على العضوية المميزة وحمّل بشكل مباشر، بدون إعلانات وبدون انتظار!

Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

تحميل تيلجرام مباشر

تحميل Katfile استخدم مانع اعلانات


تحميل Rapidgator


Real-ink Michelangelo Mega Pack

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك رد

زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى

اكتشاف المزيد من سوق المصمم

اشترك الآن للاستمرار في القراءة والحصول على حق الوصول إلى الأرشيف الكامل.

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