True-Sky v2.2.2 for Blender
حصلت True-Sky للتو على نظام ليلي كامل مع انتقالات تلقائية ليلا ونهارا، وسماء إجرائية وسماء ليلية بتقنية HDRi، لذلك لن تضطر أبدًا إلى اتخاذ قرار بشأن الإضاءة المناسبة لعقلك الإبداعي!
Features section
The need to know basics of TrueSKY
Achieve physically accurate lighting from the sun and sky with complete control over your environment. Easily make changes and create animations using our intuitive click-to-place options and sun-position integration. Enjoy a built-in night cycle with seamless control. Adjust the time by lowering the sun and watch as the night sky comes alive. Easily manage the moon’s phases, location, strength, and size to create the perfect nighttime scene. Stars, Nebula, Black-holes. You can use the procedural night sky to generate stars, or use some of our original night sky HDRi’s. Procedural volumetric clouds, just like the real thing. Add clouds to your scene with one-click! Animate them and control how much coverage or density they have and watch as they interact correctly with the sky and your scenes. Volumetric atmosphere and fog. Built into the sky shader you can control haze and exponential fog. In the ‘Fog’ panel you have options for rolling fog and surface fog.
True-Sky v2.2.2 for Blender | Homepage
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