After Effects Projectملحقات التصميم عامةملحقات دافينشي ريزولف DaVinci Resolve

Videohive – 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci – 54717386

Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386

Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386

Contains 30 light sunny transitions that will help your video look more cinematic. - Different light styles of the transitions. - Horizontal and vertical versions - 29.9 fps and 25 fps versions - 4K resolution - Tutorial included


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Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386
Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386

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Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386 12

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Videohive - 50 Light Leaks Transitions for DaVinci - 54717386 13

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