Jaro Atry – Unreal Engine for Advanced Filmmakers
هذه هي الدورة التدريبية الثانية التي تركز بشكل أساسي على جانب ما بعد الإنتاج. لقد قمت باختيار لقطتين للشاشة الخضراء من مقطع فيديو عملت عليه مؤخرًا وسأرشدك خلال مرحلة ما بعد الإنتاج الكاملة لهذه اللقطات باستخدام جميع تقنيات سير العمل الخاص بي.
This is my second course that focuses mainly on the post-production side of things. I have selected two green screen shots from a video I recently worked on and will walk you through the complete post-production of these shots using all the techniques of my workflow.
Creating AI-generated 360° backgrounds in Midjourney Working with AI-generated backgrounds in UE Working and rendering in ACES color space Advanced techniques of keying in DaVinci Resolve Building a simple UE level using AI-generated backgrounds Working with VDB and volumetric fog Custom scatter fog plane shader using Substrate Materials Creating video materials for advanced color adjustments Combining masked and translucent materials for best video results Color grading in DaVinci Resolve (briefly) Generating and using AI-generated textures in UE Handheld camera movements using a virtual camera
Jaro Atry – Unreal Engine for Advanced Filmmakers | Homepage

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