FXPHD – UNR207 – Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1
تم إنشاء هذه الدورة التدريبية المكونة من 200 مستوى لتعليم فناني المؤثرات المرئية كيفية استخدام مكونات Unreal Engine 5 لإنشاء عوالم واقعية للمشاريع. سيتم تغطية النظرية الرئيسية وراء كيفية ملاءمة محرك Unreal Engine مع خط أنابيب المؤثرات البصرية وأي أصول تطبيق DCC يمكن استيرادها إلى Unreal Engine بالتفصيل.
This 200-level course is created to teach visual effects artists how to use components of Unreal Engine 5 to create photorealistic worlds for projects. Key theory behind how Unreal Engine fits into the VFX pipeline and which DCC application assets can be imported into Unreal Engine will be covered in detail.
The classes will cover the creation of photorealistic DEM landscapes, foliage and tree creation and systems, hard surface models and surfacing, material editing in UE5, character authoring and import using MetaHuman Creator, Sky atmosphere and lighting system in Lumin, water and ocean plugin for UE5, megascans assets for closeup details and Nanite virtual geometry system, post process fx and cinematic camera settings.
Liam is an Australian based Senior VFX artist, who has been in the 3D industry since 2003. He has worked on various projects over the past 18 years including most recently the photorealistic canyon environments for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney Plus, and the hollow earth environments for Godzilla vs Kong, as well as VFX work on other upcoming high profile feature films and episodic series.
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FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part1.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part2.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part3.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part4.rar
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FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part1.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part2.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part3.rar
FXPHD Unreal Engine Bootcamp – Part 1.part4.rar