Gnomon Workshop: Advanced Illustration and Key Art Techniques
يمكنك الاستفادة من سير العمل الذي أثبت كفاءته في الصناعة لدى رسام قسم الفنون Alex Nice، حيث يشارك عملياته لإنشاء كل من الرسوم التوضيحية المسطحة ثنائية الأبعاد والمشاهد التفاعلية ثنائية الأبعاد إلى ثلاثية الأبعاد.
Learn from the industry-proven workflows of Art Department Illustrator Alex Nice, as he shares his processes for creating both flat 2D illustrations and 2D-to-3D interactive scenes.
Art Departments in the film industry are continually changing as new tools and technology make things easier and faster. However, with these new tools comes additional complexity. The never-ending challenge is finding a comfortable balance between art and technology within tight, uncompromising production schedules. As a professional artist for feature film, Alex covers his pipeline for creating a sci-fi environment set using various 2D and 3D applications. This workshop is not software-specific and is ideal for anyone with a basic understanding of 3D workflows.
Throughout the lesson, Alex explores a few of the new next-gen tools available to artists and finds ways to save time when creating professional production art. This workshop will stay broad in scope so that it can apply to all levels of artistic ability, regardless of experience, and focus on concepts rather than what buttons to press.
Duration: 3h 17m
Gnomon Workshop: Advanced Illustration and Key Art Techniques | Homepage
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بمبلغ بسيط، احصل على العضوية المميزة وحمّل بشكل مباشر، بدون إعلانات وبدون انتظار!
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