Create Disintegration VFX in Houdini & Nuke
تعرف على كيفية إنشاء تأثيرات تفكك مثيرة للإعجاب باستخدام عملية Houdini Pyro Source Spread لإنشاء محاكاة منتشرة تدريجيًا. سواء كنت جديدًا على هوديني أو مخضرمًا متمرسًا، فقد تم تصميم ورشة العمل هذه لجميع مستويات المستخدمين. يتم تضمين الملف النهائي كمصدر تعليمي في ورشة العمل هذه، حتى تتمكن من فتحه للدراسة وإجراء التعديلات والتعديلات الخاصة بك.
Learn how to create impressive disintegration effects using the Houdini Pyro Source Spread operation to create a gradually spreading simulation. Whether new to Houdini or a seasoned veteran, this workshop is designed for all user levels. The final file is included as a learning resource with this workshop, so you can open it up to study and make your own edits and alterations.
In this workshop, you will learn simple VEX coding and how to use the Houdini SOP Solver. With this, you will learn how to maintain control in and out of the DOP Network and discover how to create additional particles and volumes on top of a cloth simulation created by the Vellum Solver. Choi Gil Nam also instructs how to use Houdini COPs and Nuke for simple compositing.
You will also be able to apply the concept to Bullet and Flip Solvers. The goal is to provide you with a quick and efficient workflow that you can apply to your projects with the ability to present your work effectively.
Project files include the .hiplc disintegration files.
Duration: 2h 14m
Format: HD 1920×1080
Create Disintegration VFX in Houdini & Nuke | Homepage

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Create Disintegration VFX in Houdini & Nuke