Experience Points | Advanced Material Blending in UE5 by Cairo Goodbrand
يتطلب تأليف محتوى الألعاب مراعاة بعض القيود والقيود. في هذا البرنامج التعليمي المتوسط، ستأخذك شركة كايرو جود براند خلال عملية إنشاء مزيج من المواد في Unreal Engine 5 والذي سيستخدم الرسم الرأسي بالإضافة إلى قنوات الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المتعددة. مستوحاة من التقنيات المستخدمة في استوديوهات AAA مثل Naughty Dog، تسمح هذه الطريقة بإنشاء مجموعة متنوعة من الأصول مع الحد الأدنى من استخدام ذاكرة النسيج.
Authoring content for games requires consideration of certain constraints and limitations. In this intermediate tutorial, Cairo Goodbrand will take you through creating material blends in Unreal Engine 5 which will utilize vertex painting as well as multiple UV channels. Inspired by techniques used at AAA studios such a Naughty Dog, this method allows for the creation of a wide variety of assets with minimal texture memory usage.
Whether you’re a seasoned artist, student, hobbyist or someone just starting out, grab this tutorial and learn the thought process of approaching an environment. Fuel your Creative Mind today.
Cairo Goodbrand is an Environment Artist III at Cloud Imperium Games. With a strong focus on worldbuilding and storytelling, as well as a keen interest in the technical side of game art, Cairo will take you through creating high fidelity assets using contemporary industry techniques.
1 Hour 55 Minutes
1080p Resolution
Unreal Engine 5
This is not an introduction to any of the software packages. Users are expected to be familiar with Unreal Engine 4 and other software packages, as well as familiar with the process of building an environment.
Experience Points | Advanced Material Blending in UE5 by Cairo Goodbrand | Homepage
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Experience Points | Advanced Material Blending in UE5 by Cairo Goodbrand