كورسات تعليمية

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

تم تحديث الكورس

هي دورة الرسوم المتحركة الأكثر شمولاً التي تم إصدارها حتى الآن في Blender. سوف يأخذك من أساسيات الحركة في Blender إلى الرسوم المتحركة ذات المستوى المتقدم والمتقدم.

Alive! Is the most extensive Blender animation course released to date. It will take you from the very fundamentals of motion in Blender to high-end, advanced level character action animation.

مقالات ذات صلة

Course requirements

مسودة تلقائية
Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0) 7

This course is for perfect animation beginners to advanced animators. You don’t need to know how to animate in Blender but you do need some experience with the software to be comfortable with its UI, base tools and navigation.

What’s included in the course

More than 180 videos
Over 32 hours of lessons and exercises
All blender files per lesson
A ball rig
A Low poly squirrel rig
A Battle mech robot rig
A super hero “Trident” character rig
Including updated Blender 4.x course’s files

What you will learn

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)
Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0) 8

Getting access to educational animation content is generaly quite expensive and often difficult to know where to start. That’s why I’ve designed this course to give you all the fundamentals of animation and teach you the tricks and techniques you’ll need to create everything from a cute character short to kickass action animations. We will cover all of this using Blender, the free and open source software, but you will be able to transfer all these techniques to any other software or animation medium. There is something in this course for everyone from complete animation beginners to more experienced animators.
Course content
Blender animation tools and workflow

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)
Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0) 9

From your first keyframe to in depth animation tool understanding. (dopesheet, action editor, NLA, graph editor…)
Animating simple objectUnderstanding 3D space
Animating a rigged object with multiple bouncing ball exercice

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0) | Homepage

Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

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Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

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Alive! Animation course in Blender (Updated for Blender 4.0)

مقالات ذات صلة

‫4 تعليقات

  1. من المدهش أن موقعًا بمصداقية عالية وشهرة مثل موقعكم يعاني من مشكلات بسيطة تتعلق بروابط المحتوى. كيف يمكن لموقع بمستوى احترافي كهذا أن ينشر دورة تدريبية ولا يعمل سوى أول رابط فقط؟ هذه الأخطاء تؤثر سلبًا على تجربة المستخدم وتضعف الثقة في مصداقيتكم. نأمل في اتخاذ إجراءات لتفادي مثل هذه المشكلات مستقبلاً

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