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The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

اكتشف كيف يستخدم الفنانون المحترفون الذين يعملون في الأفلام الروائية عمليات الطلاء والإسقاطات لتسريع سير عملهم، مما يسمح بإنجاز المزيد من التقنيات في التركيب دون الحاجة إلى العودة إلى الأبعاد الثلاثية. يشارك الاختصاصي العام ناتشو توماس تقنيات غير مدمرة لمساعدة الفنانين على رفع مستوى عروضهم من خلال إنشاء إسقاطات سهلة الاستخدام باستخدام تسلسلات AOV في Nuke.


Discover how professional artists working in feature films use paint-overs and projections to speed up their workflow, allowing for more techniques to be accomplished in compositing without needing to jump back into 3D. Generalist Nacho Thomas shares non-destructive techniques to help artists level up their renders by creating comp-friendly projections using AOV sequences in Nuke.

This 7-hour workshop demonstrates production-ready techniques using non-destructive workflows. You’ll discover efficient solutions to create your own projections, giving you more time to focus on your art. Nacho begins with an overview of the Maya process, emphasizing how to work with large environments and handle the AOV outputs. Arnold is used to render, though the techniques demonstrated are common to most renderers. Nacho then progresses to Nuke, where the focus of this workshop lies. The workflow involves occasionally jumping into Photoshop to handle any digital painting work.

مسودة تلقائية
The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films 9
مسودة تلقائية
The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films 10

This tutorial is intended for both 2D and 3D artists looking to advance their skills; generalists and environment artists with some working knowledge of Nuke will also greatly benefit from the techniques showcased. In the Nuke segment of this workshop, you’ll learn how to work with an AOV sequence. You will discover how to build your own tools in Nuke, and create your own production-ready tools to add to your workflow. Nacho’s Nuke master file and three sequences used for the shot (Beauty, Utility, and Volumetrics) with light groups and all necessary passes to follow along are provided with this workshop as downloadable project files.

Duration: 6h 42m

مسودة تلقائية
The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films 11

Format: HD 1920×1080


The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films
The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films 12

You can also download Project Files directly from here: http://d3m1goolanvj55.cloudfront.net/Project_Files/NTH01_ProjectFiles.zip

The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films
The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films 13

Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films | Homepage

The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

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The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

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The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

The Gnomon Workshop | Nuke Projection Workflows for Feature Films

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