Free Download Sculpting a Realistic Stone Wall using ZBrush & Substance Designer | Dannie Carlone
يشتهر داني كارلون بمنحوتاته الصخرية المذهلة ومجموعات الفرش المخصصة، وقد تعاون مع Levelup.Digital لمشاركة سير عمله لإنشاء جدار حجري واقعي قابل للبلاط. باستخدام ZBrush وSubstance Designer، يوضح داني السبب في أن الجمع بين هذين البرنامجين هو سير العمل المفضل لديه لهذا النوع من المشاريع.
يشتمل هذا البرنامج التعليمي مجانًا على مجموعة ‘Custom ZBrush Brush Combo Pack’ الرائعة من Dannie. تابع معه وهو يشرح كيف ومتى يتم استخدام فرش معينة للحصول على نتائج مذهلة.
Well known for his amazing rock sculpts and custom brush sets, Dannie Carlone has teamed up with Levelup.Digital to share his workflow for creating a realistic tileable stone wall. Using ZBrush and Substance Designer, Dannie demonstrates why the combination of these two software is his preferred workflow for this type of project.
Included for free in this tutorial is Dannie’s amazing ‘Custom ZBrush Brush Combo Pack’. Follow along as he explains how and when to use specific brushes to produce his incredible results.
About the Instructor
Dannie Carlone is a Senior Environment Artist with 9 years of experience. He’s worked at studios such as Vigil Games, Crystal Dynamics, and currently works at Santa Monica Studio. His work can be seen in games such as God of War and in the Tomb Raider franchise.
– 8 hours 40 minutes narrated, step-by-step video tutorial
– Custom ZBrush Brush Combo Pack
– References
– 1080 Resolution
Free Download Sculpting a Realistic Stone Wall using ZBrush & Substance Designer | Dannie Carlone | Homepage
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