كورسات تعليمية

Pikuma – 2D Game Physics Programming

Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming

Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming

Learn all the theory and the math behind 2D game physics and create a simple rigid-body physics engine from scratch with C++.

Creating a Game Physics Engine with C++

12–15 minutes

مقالات ذات صلة

Course description

This course is a gentle introduction into the world of 2D game physics! We'll review all the beautiful math that provides the foundation for most physics engines, starting with a strong review of vectors, matrices, basic trigonometry, rigid-body collision, and touching a little bit of calculus as well.

مسودة تلقائية
Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming 8

Course description

This course is a gentle introduction into the world of 2D game physics! We'll review all the beautiful math that provides the foundation for most physics engines, starting with a strong review of vectors, matrices, basic trigonometry, rigid-body collision, and touching a little bit of calculus as well.

The lectures are designed to teach all concepts from first principles. In our journey, we'll review several topics from physics, like velocity, acceleration, integration, mass, forces, gravity, drag, friction, rigid body dynamics, collision detection, constraints, etc.

We'll also put theory into practice by coding a very simple 2D physics engine from scratch using the C++ programming language.

Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming
Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming 9

We'll start by writing a simulation of particle physics, which is a good start for us to address concepts like movement, forces, displacement, and integration.

Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming
Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming 10

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Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming

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Pikuma - 2D Game Physics Programming

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مقالات ذات صلة

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